Showing 426 - 450 of 477 Results
Peerage of England : Genealogical, Biographical, and Historical. Greatly Augmented and Conti... by Collins, Arthur, Sir Egerto... ISBN: 9781016084024 List Price: $37.95
Peerage of England : Genealogical, Biographical, and Historical. Greatly Augmented and Conti... by Collins, Arthur, Sir Egerto... ISBN: 9781016088978 List Price: $28.95
Peerage of England, Genealogical, Vol. 4 of 9 (Classic Reprint) by Brydges, Sir Egerton ISBN: 9781528175715 List Price: $38.91
Review of the Chandos Peerage Case, Adjudicated 1803, and of the Pretensions of Sir Samuel-E... by Beltz, George Frederick ISBN: 9781390961720 List Price: $13.57
Review of the Chandos Peerage Case, Adjudicated 1803, and of the Pretensions of Sir Samuel-E... by Beltz, George Frederick ISBN: 9781391211145 List Price: $29.96
Autobiography, Times, Opinions, and Contemporaries of Sir Egerton Brydges, Bart; Volume 2 by Brydges, Egerton ISBN: 9781377496580 List Price: $18.95
Autobiography, Times, Opinions, and Contemporaries of Sir Egerton Brydges, Bart; Volume 1 by Brydges, Egerton ISBN: 9781377803135 List Price: $18.95
Imaginative Biography, Vol. 1 : By Sir Egerton Brydges (Classic Reprint) by Brydges, Egerton ISBN: 9780656469642 List Price: $30.29
A Review of the Chandos Peerage Case, Adjudicated 1803, and of the Pretensions of Sir Samuel... by George Frederick Beltz ISBN: 9780344028113 List Price: $42.95
A Review of the Chandos Peerage Case, Adjudicated 1803, and of the Pretensions of Sir Samuel... by George Frederick Beltz ISBN: 9780344028106 List Price: $26.95
Collins's Peerage of England, Vol. 1 Of 9 : Genealogical, Biographical, and Historical (Clas... by Brydges, Sir Egerton ISBN: 9780365179832 List Price: $38.09
Lord Brokenhurst, or, a Fragment of Winter Leaves by Brydges, Sir Egerton, Sir E... ISBN: 9780649450886 List Price: $10.29
Recollections of Foreign Travel, on Life, Literature, and Self-knowledge: by Sir. Egerton Br... by Brydges, Egerton, Egerton B... ISBN: 9781375116930 List Price: $26.95
A Review of the Chandos Peerage Case, Adjudicated 1803, and of the Pretensions of Sir Samuel... by George Frederick Beltz ISBN: 9780342065509 List Price: $25.95
A Review of the Chandos Peerage Case, Adjudicated 1803, and of the Pretensions of Sir Samuel... by George Frederick Beltz ISBN: 9780342065493 List Price: $15.95
Collins's Peerage of England, Vol. 2 Of 9 : Genealogical, Biographical, and Historical (Clas... by Brydges, Sir Egerton ISBN: 9780266890539 List Price: $36.79
Excerpta Tudoriana; Or, Extracts from Elizabethan Literature Volume 1 by Egerton Brydges Sir ISBN: 9781356287994 List Price: $22.95
England's Helicon: A Collection of Pastoral and Lyric Poems, First Published at the Close of... by Egerton Brydges Sir, John B... ISBN: 9781358923876 List Price: $26.95
Occasional Poems by [Brydges, Samuel Egerton Si... ISBN: 9781373184054 List Price: $9.95
Occasional Poems by [Brydges, Samuel Egerton Si... ISBN: 9781373184092 List Price: $19.95
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